In a previous blog post I discussed the difference in security and flexibility between attribute based credentials (used in our IRMA project) and the German eID system. Now I will discuss the additional privacy protection offered by attributed based credentials, compared to a more centralised approach where attributes are stored on one or more central servers.
The centralised approach is necessary if one wants to support additional attributes that the card (like the German eID card) does not support. In this approach, the smart card merely functions as a secure authentication token for the central attribute server, to unlock the user attributes that are stored there. The centralised approach corresponds to the traditional, network-based, systems for identity management, like OpenID, Liberty, and Shibboleth. We have discussed the security, privacy and usability problems of such systems extensively elsewhere.
In general, a smart card containing the attributes themselves can be used in off-line scenarios (like vending machines, access to remote locations, or access to off-line machines, devices and installations), whereas the centralised approach can only be used on-line. But we focus on the privacy aspects here. The main privacy problem with network-based identity management is that the attribute provider sees all services a user does business with. The user may not be known by name, but only through a pseudonym (using the restricted identification feature of the German eID for instance). But even in this case a pseudonymous user profile can be collected.
For several use cases the privacy protection offered by using attribute based credentials (ABCs) is significant. Let's make this explicit by considering a few examples.
To be fair, the centralised approach also has few advantages. For example, the centralised approach allows one to revoke an attribute immediately, without the need of maintaining and verifying revocation list, or having short-lived attributes. But restricting the card to contain only a fixed set of attributes appears to be rather limited in terms of privacy protection.